Coming soon the Alpha One Stamp, a new kind of rubber stamp.
- Produced by Low Emissions Manufacturing (LEM)
- 4 X the impressions of self-inking stamps.... twice the impressions of Omega™
- No replacement pads required which eliminates plastic, foam and ink from landfills
- Perfect imprint quality
The new way to manufacture rubber stamps without destroying the planet LEM Manufacturing
- NO water! That’s right .... no water is used in finishing the printing plate.
Absolutely NO chemicals! That's right .... no chemicals are used to finish any of the products that use the LEM™ process.
Absolutely NO odors! That's right .... you can say goodbye to customer complaints about offensive odors! No charcoal filters needed or burnt rubber ash emitted into the atmosphere.
Absolutely NO effluent! That's right .... absolutely nothing goes down the drain in the LEM™ process!
Absolutely NO need for replacement pads! That's right .... the LEM process completely eliminates the need to buy expensive replacement ink pads.
Very little power! Much less power is used in the LEM™ process. So little, in fact, that a 100 watt light bulb left on for one hour uses more power than is required to process a batch of LEM™ stamps!